Topic of the Week 3

On Easter weekend I went home to Atlanta to see my family.  On the Saturday before Easter, I went to a gay/ lesbian support group meeting that my cousin started in January after he graduated from college.  He is in charge of getting people to join so he asked me if I would come.  It was a small group of about 10 people, some gay and some straight, who basically discussed issues about gay rights.  I was told that there are usually more, but they were out of town for the holiday weekend.  Part of the discussion revolved around marriage equality.  It really got me thinking about the significance of it all.  Any people talked about how it doesn’t make sense for a certain group of people to get some rights, but not all of the rights given to everyone else.  Being around these people was very eye opening and made me question our government’s laws. I attended the meeting because it was something I already cared about and I wanted to see how other people felt about the issue.  He uses facebook and twitter to get the information out by showing the issues they discuss, the times and days they meet, and the people involved.  While these are effective for getting people involved, there are some other ways he could gain exposure.  Since he lives around several colleges like Kennesaw State and Georgia State he could recruit members on those campuses.  He could also post information on the college social websites.  Since this is such a hot topic across the nation right now, I’m sure that more information given to college students in that area will get more and more people on board.

1 thought on “Topic of the Week 3

  1. mm05977

    I completely agree with the ways you suggested for your cousin to get the word out about his group, which I commend him for putting together considering it is such a heated topic, especially in the south. With him having access to the two colleges as well as the busy cities surrounding them, I believe if he followed your suggestions he would see a significant rise in attendance to his meetings. However, with posting things on school websites and social media he needs to be prepared for others to speak their opinions whether they are negative or not. If they are negative he needs to make sure to maintain his composure, with him being head of the group he is a direct reflection of the group. Too many people are simple minded these days, I hope his group accomplishes its goals!


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