Tag Archives: PRCA 2330

Comments on Other Blogs

1. Lindsay McCormick

Public Relations and Campaigns



My Response:

First of all, I think its great that Papa John’s is changing with the generations. Since we are becoming more and more dependent on technology, companies have to adapt in order to get business. I also think that bringing in the founder and CEO of the company was a great idea. Many times, we think that the people high up in companies don’t care what goes on anymore. It makes people feel important that he cares about their satisfaction. Also, the “Better ingredients, better pizza, Papa johns” slogan draws peoples attention. So many pizza places are worried about time rather than quality and that is not a good way to advertise.
Emily Daniel

2. Mallory Mann – Reaction to PR Guest Panel 



My response:

I agree! This was a very helpful and beneficial experience. having these PR professionals come and talk to us gave me hope for the future. Some people put down PR and say its unnecessary, but these women helped me realize the importance in so many different areas of a company. I also agree that their advice to know AP style writing was helpful. It made me appreciate other classes that I thought had nothing to do with PR.
Emily Daniel

3.Briana Davis – TOTW 4 – Securing a Job in PR


My Response:

You seem to be ahead of the game! You are completely right about the internships and networking.  The more experience you have, the more a company will want to higher you.  I have never though about looking on Craigslist for a job.  Also, I completely agree that it is very important to meet and connect with as many people possible.  Great idea about the business cards! Easy and simple way to get your name out there.

4.Eden Smith – Public Relations major or not, take Public relations courses


My Response:

I completely agree! I think it is very important for non PR majors to take a public relations course. You’re right, many people who aren’t in PR do think it is all fun and games and that it is not necessary. I believe that if they take a PR class, they will realize that the tasks involved are not as easy as they might have thought. Also, it will help them to understand how to deal wit certain situations socially.

5. Stefanie Smalls


My Response:

I agree with the Sex and the City example! Samantha definitely displays the image of a strong and independent woman. She is a role model is some ways as being on her own ans self sufficient. However, her lifestyle is very misleading to people who don’t know about PR. A typical PR professional is not going to have the glamorous lifestyle that she lives. Another misleading aspect is the fact that they show her doing very little to no work, but getting all of the benefits. They make er job seem like it’s all fun and games.
Emily Daniel

6. Juliana Sweek – Blog Post #3


My Response:

First of all, it sounds like a great time! You do a great job at making something sound like a great time and I’m disappointed I missed out! I think its great that the event was only $10. I think any time there is a diverse group of people and music, its going to be a good time. It seems like the event was well planned out, with only one microphone malfunction that was quickly fixed. I only wish they would have done some more marketing, because I didn’t even know about it!
Emily Daniel

Topic of the Week 4

                As college students there are many things we are responsible for doing to secure a job in public relations in the future.  I have done a few things that will help prepare me for the future and help me have a better chance of getting a job upon graduation.  One thing that I have done to help me is working for a sales company.  I worked for an entertainment company called Showtime Atlanta.  There, I helped with the advertising, booked events, and planned employees schedules.  It was a fun job with many responsibilities.  It was actually one of the reasons I decided to major in public relations.  Another thing that I have done to prepare myself was taking a public speaking class.  I took a public speaking class in high school that could have counted as a credit hour in college, but I wanted to take another one.  The more I practice public speaking, the better and more comfortable I am at it.  I know that public speaking is a part of public relations and I want to have as much experience as possible.  The third thing that I have done is placed my minor as marketing.  I was advised that marketing would be a smart minor because PR and marketing typically go hand in hand and some jobs will require you to know how to do some of both.  I will admit that while I have done some things to secure a job for the future, there are definitely several things I should still do.  I plan on joining PRSSA at Georgia Southern.  I know this club is great for helping PR students prepare for the future and teaches them things that will be helpful in a career.  The second thing I plan on doing is networking better.  Almost everywhere we go, there is an opportunity to meet to people and make connections.  I will start looking for opportunities instead of waiting for them to come to me.   The last thing I plan on doing is an internship.  Once I have many of my classes completed, I will look for an internship somewhere in or around Atlanta.  This will get my foot in the door to bigger and better things.     





Topic of the Week 3

On Easter weekend I went home to Atlanta to see my family.  On the Saturday before Easter, I went to a gay/ lesbian support group meeting that my cousin started in January after he graduated from college.  He is in charge of getting people to join so he asked me if I would come.  It was a small group of about 10 people, some gay and some straight, who basically discussed issues about gay rights.  I was told that there are usually more, but they were out of town for the holiday weekend.  Part of the discussion revolved around marriage equality.  It really got me thinking about the significance of it all.  Any people talked about how it doesn’t make sense for a certain group of people to get some rights, but not all of the rights given to everyone else.  Being around these people was very eye opening and made me question our government’s laws. I attended the meeting because it was something I already cared about and I wanted to see how other people felt about the issue.  He uses facebook and twitter to get the information out by showing the issues they discuss, the times and days they meet, and the people involved.  While these are effective for getting people involved, there are some other ways he could gain exposure.  Since he lives around several colleges like Kennesaw State and Georgia State he could recruit members on those campuses.  He could also post information on the college social websites.  Since this is such a hot topic across the nation right now, I’m sure that more information given to college students in that area will get more and more people on board.

Topic of the Week 2

Go Red is a campaign by the American Heart Association that gets women involved with the fight against heart disease. They use public relations in many ways to get people’s attention. Since heart disease is the number one killer in women, they target women in their ads and throughout their website. The campaign shares stories of women, usually over 40, who have or have had heart disease. The campaign’s website does a good job drawing the attention of women by putting pictures up of middle-aged women eating healthy, exercising or just having fun. It also allows for you to share your story with others, making the campaign personal and close to home.
The campaign declared February 1, 2013 National Wear Red Day. The point is for everyone to wear red in order to spread the word and show their passion and commitment to the cause. They also gave away posters, flyers and heart-health information for free to help support the cause. This is a good strategy to get people’s attention. Since heart disease is the number one killer in women and is deadlier that all forms of cancer, it can be a topic that some of us tend to shy away from. It’s one of those things that we try and believe that if we ignore it, then it won’t happen to us. This campaign does a great job in calling us on it. Go Red does a great job of getting the message out there. Things like the National Wear Red Day grab our attention because we want to know the reason everyone is wearing red. These strategies are representations of public relations because they not only enhance public awareness in the cause, but they also allow for the feedback from the women affected and allow women to get involved.

Public Relations vs. Publicity

Public relations is commonly confused with many things, one being publicity.  Public relations and publicity both get a person or companies name out in the public.  They both do help attract public interest and attract the attention of others.  While public relations and publicity do have some things in common, they are different in many distinct ways.  Public relations is concerned with making a company or person appear to have the best image possible.  It is not only concerned with getting attention, but making sure that it will be good attention.  For example, when Chris Brown won a Grammy, he tweeted an offensive statement to anyone who put him down, calling them some names and boasting about the Grammy.  A few hours later, he had taken it down and his publicist had taken over his twitter.  Publicity is more interested with getting a name out there, no matter the cost.  I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.”  Well this is said because memorable events, bad or good, will draw more attention from the public.  For example, the kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears was definitely strange, but it attracted so much attention from the media.  These are some of the similarities and differences between public relations and publicity.